The Island Of Gharapuri
TThhee IIssllaanndd OOff GGhhaarraappuurrii

The Island Of Gharapuri

An early start for a tourist day with a difference,
Walked to the Gateway before a boat ride for a distance,
A trip to Gharapuri island visiting Elephanta caves,
The weather was good & the water with no waves,
Several hours exploring the sites with many other visitors,
On the ride back we chatted to some Iranian passengers,
Oh how I wish we were able to visit there country,
Every person I’ve met from their has always been lovely,
Heading back to our hotel we met up with Kamlesh again,
A local we have plenty of time for & a friendship we wish to maintain,
He left to meet his family as we needed to get back to the hotel,
To cool off before dinner at a place used by the locale.

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