Africa Twin Is Family.
Africa Twin Is Family.

Africa Twin Is Family.

Now tyres were sorted we moved onto the next requirement,
Servicing the bikes ready for the expected Indian defilement,
We know riding in Asia will be hard on our machines,
Especially many cities as they have everyone crammed in like sardines,
A little hunting & Kelly lucked out for her Suzuki to be done in one day,
I have to wait for a slot next week, let’s hope there isn’t too much to pay,
That all done we headed back to get cleaned up & eat early,
We’ve been invited to the Africa Twin club in Athens to chat about the journey,
Arrival at the club & immediately treated like family,
A lovely night meeting like minded people & comradery,
Ten years ago my Queenie came here with a previous owner,
This time we hope to complete our trip the world over.

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