Bye B&H You Were Lovely
Bye B&H You Were Lovely

Bye B&H You Were Lovely

We wake early to get the miles done before the darkness,
While leaving the man who helped the night before waved goodbye such kindness,
Several miles later we stopped at a bakery for breakfast,
Nothing was too much trouble & we left bags full of our purchase,
While we ate next to the bikes the shop owner next door offered us drinks,
This country truly has some absolutely beautiful people me thinks,
We hit the road & continued towards the border town in the sun,
Taking a short gravel track to warm us up before stopping for a bun,
Quick shop for groceries to finish the last of our Bosnian money,
We then left Bosnia & Herzegovina into Serbia cold but still sunny,
For miles we rode alongside the river before heading to our accommodation,
Only stopping to view an impressive war memorial on top of a mountain under illumination,
Arrival in Užice came just as darkness enveloped the town,
Up to our apartment & bunk beds tonight, who’s gonna be up or down?

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