They’re Actually Charging Me!!!!
They’re Actually Charging Me!!!!

They’re Actually Charging Me!!!!

Finally a ray of hope is shooting our way,
The package is clear of customs & we can find somewhere else to stay,
Just a few more days while it heads to our drop point,
Although they’ve had the cheek to charge me an extra €20, must be smoking a joint,
Maybe I’ll send them the bill for the extra week we spent in southern Spain,
Or maybe we should just talk about how wonderful they are to bring them fame,
Anyway we finally got out to do some important work,
Found some solid WiFi to upload some content & pictures transferred,
Then off to a motorcycle shop as Kelly needed a new back brace,
Then while shopping for food I get bitten on my hand & face,
Off to bed now as I’ve felt exhausted all day,
I really hope that package comes soon before UPS receive our say.

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