Happy Birthday To Myself
Happy Birthday To Myself

Happy Birthday To Myself

Wake up early this birthday morning feeling fine,
Forty is only a number, so making love in the tent makes me shine,
Then a posh camping breakfast of eggs & Serrano is a great start,
What do you do on your birthday, well that’s easy, fly like a dart,
So we ride to the top of a mountain along gravel roads & strap ourselves in,
Before jumping off & ziplining down the opposite side of the mountain,
The staff were impressed when they realised what we’re doing,
But when it’s something you wanted for so long it’s worth pursuing,
Off out for dinner as I guess it’s a special occasion,
The first restaurant didn’t want us so we had tapas as our salvation.
Nice cheap meal all was great until leaving when Queenie decided not to run,
An earth leak or bad terminal stopped her starting but half hour later it was all done.

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