Food Poisoning, Reaching The Ferry
Food Poisoning, Reaching The Ferry

Food Poisoning, Reaching The Ferry

I awoke in the night with my bad wind & farting,
Something was wrong but in a few hours we’d be departing,
Unusually for me I went to the toilet & it wasn’t a pleasant trip,
Kelly threw up shortly after then before I knew it a switch did flip,
The next few hours the toilet was our preferred seat,
Swapping over when the other needed to excrete,
When the morning finally came both of us were totally drained,
Unable to eat but needing to pack & then it bloody rained,
Several hours of customs but thankfully the rain abated,
Waiting to embark was tiring but at least our stomachs were sedated,
After what felt like a lifetime we boarded the boat & relaxed in our room,
Thankful for our suite as we needed some rest, back to Europe very soon.


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