Hell In The Air
Hell In The Air

Hell In The Air

Well that was an unpleasant day I’ll not quickly forget,
Delays then rushing then again causing me to sit in my own sweat,
Our already delayed plane was even later leaving the runway,
The flight was pleasant with other passengers interested in our time away,
We landed even later after more than six hours in flight,
Meaning we had very little time to enjoy Delhi or any other sight,
Running through with bags was exhausting,
Passport & customs made things even more worrying,
Luckily my bag in the hold came through quickly here,
But after dropping it back in for the connection to Mumbai,
Things went even harder as we raced back to security before we could fly,
Minutes to go & they kept pulling our hand luggage back,
Questioning every little thing we had in the trays & our sack,
Sweating & puffing we reached our gate just in time,
But once again the plane was late but we’re here so it’s all fine …
Oh how wrong I was which we discovered upon arriving,
Waiting on bags but mine never came how frustrating,
Filled out the form for lost bags & went to leave the airport, exhausting,
But saw on arrivals another flight from Delhi with the same airline coming,
I decided to follow my instinct going back to baggage claim,
Sure enough three hours later my bag appeared just on the wrong plane,
So twelve hours late we left to head for our hotel beds,
Took a cab through the city before finally getting a shower & resting our heads.

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