My First Day In India
My First Day In India

My First Day In India

Eventually we awoke very late exhausted & very warm,
Got out the apartment quickly as lots to do through the city swarm,
Our stomachs were first to be sedated in a book themed café,
Then to find insurance for our bikes but the guard on duty turned us away,
We snuck round the back upstairs & spoke to them inside,
They said they will try to help & we left past the guard to hurt his pride,
To obtain insurance we are requiring a local phone number,
But it took more than three hours & by the end I was ready to slumber,
But more jobs to complete we headed to the next on our list,
Finding some medicine for malaria prevention so we can resist,
We thought it would be simple since this is a malaria risk zone,
But wrong we were & the first two pharmacies couldn’t help, groan,
We needed food & cheering up after the tough few days before,
Then in the restaurant we were sat next to some people who lived almost nextdoor,
Turns out the group were all within thirty miles of my hometown,
We said our goodbyes & headed back to a much needed lie down,
Heading back we noticed rats all over the street what a sight,
On the main road I was quickly approached by ladies of the night,
They said they wanted my body but I’m pretty sure they wanted my money,
I politely refused & headed back with Kelly to sleep in a hurry.

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