Train Troubles, Terrible Taxis
Train Troubles, Terrible Taxis

Train Troubles, Terrible Taxis

Got to our bed just after midnight to find someone else in it,
The train staff were nowhere but another passenger helped all sorted,
Not in our actual bed Kelly got her head down for some sleep,
I sat at the end of another bed with someone sleeping deep,
Morning came although I certainly wasn’t rested,
Luckily Kelly didn’t sleep in our bed or her patience would’ve been tested,
A group of rude women awoke before 5am talking loudly non stop,
Turning on all the lights & generally being annoying but luckily we managed to swap,
A kind family saw our plight offering us a bed while they sat on a bench,
Sleep was needed & being clear of the others meant no more jaw clench,
Several hours late we finally rolled back into Mumbai late,
Getting a taxi willing to take us was hard due to the current road state,
Absolutely packed it took an hour to get to the hotel near the airport,
Luckily with a prearranged fee we didn’t have to deal with the others trying to extort,
Arrival at the hotel late & exhausted we retired to our room,
Only to discover no windows or natural light in here but sleep swallowed us in the gloom.


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